For all my family and friends far away who want to see me and watch me grow!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 28, 2011

38 Weeks

Will this be the last picture of me in Mom's belly?!?!  Mom and Dad think I'll be an April baby so I have a few more days/weeks of cookin before it's show time.  This weekend, Mom and Dad had big plans to celebrate what might be their last weekend without me.  Dad made reservations on Saturday for a big night out and Mom was so excited that she fell asleep before dinner!  Thankfully they got to go out on Sunday night to celebrate one of their last nights out before it's all me, all the time.

Last week, I gave Mom her first labor scare.  Mom and Grandma were busy nesting and registering at BuyBuyBaby when all of a sudden I decided to make Mom think it was time!  She had her first contraction and, let me tell you, it's not something Mom ever wants to go through again!  She's had a few days to recover from that one contraction- I think she's in for a surprise when she realizes there will be a few more before I'm comin' out!!  In the mean time, check out what crazy things I'm doing to Mom's belly- can you believe how big it is?!?!

38 Weeks

Trying for a more flattering shot (if that's even possible at 38 weeks!)

Monday, March 21, 2011

37 Weeks! Full term!!

This is it- it's the final countdown until my arrival!  I'm now full term which means I can come at any time between now and April 25 (the date of induction).  I'm getting pretty big and Mom's stomach is getting even bigger!  

Mom, Dad, and I had a great weekend!  My grandparents from Chicago were in town so they got to see Mom one last time before I'm born!  My grandma is still in town helping Mom get prepared.  In other exciting grandma news, my Nana's birthday is tomorrow- Happy birthday, Nana!!

Mom and me at 37 weeks

Mom and Dad

Uncle Scott surprised all of us in NY at the Cornell Club!

Monday, March 14, 2011

36 Weeks!

4 weeks to go!!!!  Mom, Dad, and I had a great time this weekend.  My grandparents from Cincinnati were in town so they got to see me in action for the last time before I'm born!  We had a very productive weekend- we finally decided on my crib!  Mom has another doctor's appointment this week to see if I've made any progress.  Hopefully I stick around in Mom's belly for another few weeks, but she definitely wants to keep me in here until this weekend because my Chicago grandparents are coming!  

And here's a picture of my cute, but very tired Mom:
36 Weeks

Mom and Dad at 36 Weeks

Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

March 11th is a big day for Mom and Dad.  Five years ago today, they met for the very first time.  And one month from today is my due date.  I'm so excited to have the two greatest parents in the world!
Mom and Dad, July 2006

Yesterday was another big doctors appointment.  We started off with an ultrasound where we learned I was positioned correctly, head down.  The doctor also gave Mom and Dad my approximate weight- 5 lbs 5oz.  And I'm still getting bigger, gaining about half a pound a week! In the next few weeks their plan is to relax and prepare for my arrival.  This weekend my grandparents from Cincinnati are in town and next weekend my grandparents from Chicago are coming.  I can't believe this is the last time they'll see me in Mom's time they come to NY will be to see me!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

35 Weeks

Almost one month until my arrival!  Dad finally got to see my new alien movements- I was putting on quite the show for him yesterday!  Today, Mom and Dad met my new, 1-day old (and adorable!) friend, Dhilan Chandiramani.  With only a few weeks left, Mom is thinking about how she's really going to miss being pregnant.  One thing she definitely won't miss is taking pictures that look like this:
 35 Weeks (and stretching out this tank top like it's no one's business)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Childbirth Classes

Mom and Dad started their preparation for childbirth classes last night.  Mom thinks it got off to a pretty bad start.   The group leader asked if anyone had ever been to a birth before and mom jokingly said, " own!" to which the room responded with...SILENCE!!  At least Dad thought it was funny!  After that, Mom decided not to make any more "jokes" for the rest of the night.

Dad did a great job during the birth video.  Mom expected him to either pass out or leave the room but it turned out she was more disturbed than he was!  Hopefully they won't have to watch anymore videos- can't wait to find out what's in store for them next week!