For all my family and friends far away who want to see me and watch me grow!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

14 Week Appointment

Today I had my 14 week appointment.  I didn't have any more photo shoots but Mom did get to hear my heartbeat.  It was really fast- about 140 bpm!  Mom still hasn't gained too much weight, but she has been eating multiple jars of pickles and bags of Starburst.  I think she's setting all kinds of records for the number of pickles she's eaten!

In other exciting news, I got to meet so many of Mom and Dad's family and friends last weekend.  The three of us just got back from my first college visit to Ann Arbor and we had a great (and sober!) time.  Mom even went to Ricks where Dad was showing everyone my picture (I think it's the first time anyone's ever showed an ultrasound picture there!)  We saw my aunt, a lot of my cousins, two great aunts and uncle, and a lot of friends from college.  I can't wait to meet everyone in person in April!
Mom and Dad's friends in Ann Arbor

Here's a picture of the people who I'm most excited about meeting (and I know they can't wait to meet me too!)!
Mom and Dad's wedding: May 2009

1 comment:

  1. excuseee me.. what about the other families lol... -- Rach
